Hello everyone,
First of all a very late but happy new year to you all, I hope you all had a good one, and went easy on the alcohol, as I am sure you all did…ha!
As of late last year made the decision to move my WordPress hosted blog to a dedicated host. The main reasons for doing this were due to the need for larger server storage capacity and better administration.
Most of you that visit my blog will have already noticed that greigmitchell.wordpress.com is now redirected to this site (greigmitchell.co.uk) along with a few design changes here and there.
For now the majority of content has been migrated over successfully, although like everything else, there are still a few niggles that I need to iron out and I will be working on that over the next few weeks or so.
Comments on the overall site, layout, design and performance are welcome, and if you notice any issues please let me know!